Sounds of Glory

Journeys of Divine Exchange

Prophetic painting by Wendy Pierce
 We have this treasure in earthen vessels...2 Cor 4:6,7

Releasers of Glory by Wendy Pierce
We have this treasure in earthen vessels…2 Cor 4:6,7

This was painted by me a few years ago, during a prophetic art session I was teaching.

 It is powerful picture/revelation of Who is being revealed in this season – His Sons and Daughters who have been transformed with the revelation of Glory within them, who know WHO we are to Him, who we are IN Him, and who boldly and courageously speak the prophetic Word of God with power and authority, to break the chains of bondages that hold many from walking in the freedom & life He has for us.

That is our mandate, that is our mission … Now is the Time!

Arise… Be bold… Be fearless… and speak with the Breath of the One who sets us free!

It is time… Arise…. Be Bold…. Fearless… with the Breath of the One who sets us FREE!

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